1. https://bungubox.shop に行く。
2. スクリーン右上の言語設定の国旗を日本に設定する。
3. スクリーン右上のサーチボタン(虫眼鏡)をクリックし、「登録言語変更ファイル」をサーチし、クリックする。
4. 登録言語変更ファイル(無料)をカートに追加し、購入手続きを最後まで済ませる。このファイルのダウンロード手順が表示されますが、何もしなくていいです。日本語表示で商品(無料)を購入さえすれば今後のメールは日本語で届きます。問題がございましたらinfo@bungubox.shopにお問い合わせをください。
Our site sends out e-mail messages in both English and Japanese. The language in which you receive your mails will be determined by the BUNGUBOX.shop site language settings at your last purchase. If you happen to be receiving BUNGUBOX communication in Japanese and would like to change it to English, please follow the instructions below:
1. Go to https://bungubox.shop/en/
2. Make sure the language setting flag on the top right corner of the screen is set to the British flag for English.
3. Click the search button at the top of the screen and enter "Download to receive English notifications"
4. Add "Download to receive English notifications" (free) to your cart and complete the checkout process. While you will receive instructions on how to download the file, there is no need to do that. As long as your most recent purchase (free) was done with the site language set to English, all future correspondence from BUNGUBOX will be done in English. If you have any difficulties, please contact info@bungubox.shop.