Notice of Price Revision for BUNGUBOX Inks (8/1~)


We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support of BUNGUBOX.

Due to the recent surge in prices and the impact on our procurement costs, we are announcing a price revision for our original inks.

We have been making efforts to maintain current prices through business efficiency and labor-saving measures. However, due to the impact of the weak yen and the rise in material prices, we regret to inform you that we will be revising the prices of our products as follows:


Original Heel Shaped Bottle Ink (Dye-base)
Current: 3,200yen → Revised: 3,300yen


New pricing goes into effect: August 1, 2024


It is our priority to strive to deliver products of a quality that will satisfy our customers. We look forward to your continued patronage.




For inquiries, please email us at: