【10/1】Notice of Price Revision for BUNGUBOX Original Wajima Makie Fountain Pens(11/1~)
【9/9】We are running two promotions this month!(9/8~9/30)
【9/2】Stock status and next arrival of "Silver Lining" fountain pen
【7/5】Notice of Price Revision for BUNGUBOX Inks (8/1~)
【5/23】Notice of how to contact us
【5/13】Initial lot of Thumbelina sold-out. Next lot coming soon.
【4/23】Temporary halt on the sale of the Thumbelina fountain pen
【2/12】Notice of Price Change for The Nib Shaper Nagahara Special Nib Customizations
【2/1】Results of our fund raising effort for Mr. Hino, our makie artist